When looking into a company you’re interested in working with, you’ll most likely end up on their website’s ‘About’ page. Information you find there can be related to their goals, values, company history and of course, it’s location. But whenever someone asks us, “Where is Support Adventure located?,” our answer is never a simple one.

As an expat-run outsourcing company operating fully online for six years, our “location” is kind of a long story! 

Where is Support Adventure located

When it comes to Support Adventure’s location, it can be described in various ways. For starters, we are registered in London, UK.

But it’s worth mentioning that we have a hub in Belgrade, Serbia as that was the main residence of our founder Eric Muth. Many team members, however, are located all over the world on five continents! This should paint a picture of a fully remote online MSP Staffing Company business where location is not fixed.

The best way to get to know a company is by learning about its roots, where it developed and the locations where its staff spends most of their time.

Where is Support Adventure registered?

At the time Support Adventure was founded by Eric in 2016, he was living in the UK. It was the perfect base for him to live in and visit European countries from. 

The company is registered in London as follows:

Support Adventure Limited, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, England, WC2H 9JQ

We have gone on to hire over a 100 people in just a few short years. However, that doesn’t answer the question completely!

Support Adventure office Belgrade Serbia digital nomad, expats

Support Adventure’s Hub

The vibrant city of Belgrade, capital of Serbia, captured Eric’s heart in 2013. He based himself there while starting Support Adventure. As the company grew and the workload increased, it needed more reliable staff.

He got in touch with his friend Mario, a Serbian living in Romania who shared Eric’s passion for travel and IT. After a few months, Mario was fully trained as a help desk tech by Eric and joined the company. Eric then hired another person who he trained from his apartment. 

Soon after, more people joined, including Radosh from Canada, Darren from Ireland and Nina from Serbia. The business continued to grow and include more people from many different countries.

Since Eric was living in Belgrade and hiring more people online with the same passion for traveling, he opened an office there so that local staff could have a place to work. This office now acts as a hub for whenever anyone working for the company is in Belgrade.

Support Adventure staff

Where Support Adventure staff lives

With over 140 members of staff on five continents, we follow a tradition of hiring the best culturally compatible and technically competent individuals. It’s a must that they have a passion for traveling or align with a remote work lifestyle. 

So where specifically do our team members live? 

Most of our engineers are from South Africa, but we have staff scattered all over the world. Check out the graph below to see the most popular locations for our staff!

CountryShare of Staff
South Africa59.5%

The remaining countries we have staff in are: Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Lebanon, North Macedonia and Argentina.

Let’s now look at the appeal of the different locations where our team members reside.

Relocate with Support Adventure Jobs


With a lot of charming destinations and an affordable lifestyle, Europe is a great choice for digital nomads, and many of our staff have floated between multiple countries. 

As stated above, Serbia is a prime spot for much of our staff. Many team members were expats in Belgrade and met through its expat community. It’s a happening city with urban cafes and a plethora of events. Serbia also offers amazing hospitality from locals who take pride in hosting, as well as beautiful nature sights, making it a great country for first-time digital nomads.

Serbia’s neighbor to the west, Croatia, is another perfect option if you want to have a seaside lifestyle for an affordable cost of living. Most of the population is proficient in English as well. The country has also introduced a digital nomad visa!

Turkey is another enchanting place where staff members have worked from as it offers a unique East-meets-West experience. The lifestyle is VERY affordable and the value you get for the cost is extraordinary. Even if the country doesn’t offer an official digital nomad visa yet, there is a way to stay for a year or two by applying for a tourist visa. 

South America 

Brazil is one of the continent’s biggest travel destinations and has long been attracting expats. The cities of São Paulo, Salvador and Vitoria all have unique charm for expats and an affordable lifestyle. Click here to see our list of the best place to live in Brazil! 

Colombia probably has the biggest expat scene in South America. With the Caribean sea bordering the country in the north, and its long summer days, it’s one of our staff’s favorite destinations.


We love hiring from South Africa, and even have some staff working from its neighboring countries like Zimbabwe and Eswatini (formerly Swaziland). Since most of our technicians are from South Africa, it’s not a surprise that we have nothing but praise for our staff there, as do our clients.  

The economy and the job market in South Africa are not great and the unemployment rates are high. That’s why, we offer our staff there a chance to relocate to the country that helps them live in an environment that is to their liking.

Support Adventure job opportunities apply to work

Relocating with Support Adventure

If you want to work a US-based job from anywhere, our staff have the opportunity to relocate and live in the environment that fits them best. 

As an expat-run company, we understand the desire to travel or relocate. We support individuals in their effort to create a great life for themselves and see that their goal of being an expat is realized. 

How to apply to work with Support Adventure

The process for applying to work with Support Adventure is straightforward. Currently, we are looking for candidates with great English proficiency, excellent work ethic and a natural curiosity that assists them in overcoming the demanding and ever-changing IT sphere.

To apply for the position of IT technician, check out our IT technician application.

To become a service desk coordinator, fill out the service coordinator application form.

Share this article with a friend and use it as your starting point for turning your life around. You’ll soon experience one of the great Support Adventure locations for yourself.

Kristina @ Support Adventure

Hi there! I'm Kristina Antic, the voice behind the articles you've been enjoying on the Support Adventure blog.Welcome to the crossroads of travel, transformative career advice, and all things MSP!Since joining the team in 2020, I've been weaving my experiences from traveling across Europe and Asia into stories that resonate with tech enthusiasts and wanderlust-filled souls alike.From the world of translating and IT customer service to teaching, I’ve worn many hats, all of which I now bring together to help you navigate the exciting remote landscape.Whether you’re looking to kickstart your career in tech, dreaming of digital nomad life, or seeking the best MSP practices and staff, I’m here to share what I’ve learned in a way that feels like we’re just chatting over coffee.See you on the blog!


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