Managed Service Providers (MSPs) constantly seek efficient ways to deliver top-notch IT services. Amidst this pursuit, MSP outsourced staff has emerged as a pivotal strategy, offering a plethora of benefits but also presenting unique challenges. The integration of outsourcing and offshoring strategies enables MSPs to focus on core business functions, improve service quality, and achieve significant cost savings. Many MSPs are adopting this strategy with a few still having concerns on topics such as security, staff wellbeing and retention, and client satisfaction.

We address these concerns.

Introduction to MSP Outsourcing and Offshoring

MSP outsourcing refers to the practice of delegating IT service (staff) management tasks to third-party companies, often to leverage specialized skills or cost advantages. Outsourcing can range from technical support to entire IT operations, depending on the needs of the MSP.

On the other hand, MSP offshoring takes this concept a step further, involving the relocation of certain business processes to companies in foreign countries. This move is often motivated by factors like cost reduction, access to a larger talent pool, and the ability to provide round-the-clock services due to time zone differences.

MSP Outsourcing: Addressing Key Challenges

Discussing the general concerns regarding MSP outsourcing, including security, language barriers, and management of offshore staff:

1. Security: The Foremost Concern in MSP Outsourcing

Security is a paramount concern for MSPs, especially when the outsourced staff is handling sensitive client data and maintaining network integrity. The challenge lies in ensuring that the outsourced team adheres to the same stringent security protocols as the domestic team. This includes compliance with international data protection regulations, such as GDPR, and industry-specific standards like HIPAA in healthcare.

To mitigate security risks, MSPs must conduct thorough due diligence when selecting an outsourcing partner. This involves verifying their security certifications, making sure the company is conducting regular audits, and ensuring that they have robust cybersecurity measures in place. 

Additionally, establishing clear communication channels and protocols for handling security breaches is essential for maintaining trust and operational integrity.

At Support Adventure, we make sure to do background checks on all staff and adhere to GDPR and industry standards. Keeping immaculate records is another step that ensures security in the digital world! 

Key Security Concerns in MSP Outsourcing

Data Protection: Protecting client data from unauthorized access, breaches, or leaks.

Network Security: Ensuring the outsourced team follows robust network security practices.

Compliance: Adhering to industry-specific regulations and standards.

Strategies for Enhancing Security with Outsourced Staff

Rigorous Vetting Processes: Conduct thorough background checks and choose outsourcing partners with proven security track records.

Regular Training and Awareness: Provide ongoing security training to outsourced staff, ensuring they are updated on the latest threats and best practices.

Access Control and Monitoring: Implement strict access controls and monitor outsourced staff’s access to sensitive systems and data.

Clear Security Protocols: Establish and enforce clear security protocols and procedures, ensuring quick response to any security incidents.

By adopting these strategies, MSPs can significantly mitigate security risks associated with outsourcing, ensuring client data and systems remain secure and maintaining their reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.

2. Overcoming Language Barriers and Cultural Differences

Effective communication is critical in the MSP industry, and language barriers can pose significant challenges when outsourcing. Misunderstandings or miscommunications can lead to errors, reduced service quality, and client dissatisfaction. Furthermore, cultural differences can impact work styles, expectations, and interactions with clients.

To address these challenges, MSPs should prioritize language proficiency in their hiring criteria and hire culturally compatible outsourced staff. 

We do that at Support Adventure with our testing and training program. This program tests not only the technical competency but also the communication and customer service soft skills required for the job. Furthermore, implementing staff training best practices helps build a cohesive team culture and improve understanding and collaboration. 

The result is controversial – only 0.1% of candidates pass the test but those who do are the unicorns any MSP would be happy to have – charismatic tech wizzes for the significantly reduced cost compared to hiring locally!

Addressing the Language Barrier

Language Proficiency: Prioritize hiring staff with strong language skills, particularly in the primary language of the MSP’s clients.

Bridging Cultural Differences

remote msp outsourced staff

Cultural Training: Implement cultural awareness for both outsourced and domestic teams so they are familiar with each other’s work culture and practices. For example, we have a lot of staff from South Africa. The popular culture, TV shows, sense of humor, and communication styles are similar and are guaranteed to ensure a seamless integration and a joyful collaboration!

Inclusive Communication Practices: Adopt communication styles and practices that are inclusive and considerate of cultural nuances.

Regular Interaction: Foster regular interactions between domestic and offshore teams to build understanding and rapport.

3. Managing Outsourced Staff: Bridging the Distance Gap

The physical distance and time zone differences inherent in outsourcing could complicate staff management. This includes challenges in coordination, monitoring productivity, maintaining team cohesion, and ensuring consistent service delivery.

To overcome these hurdles, MSPs don’t have to implement robust project management tools and clear communication strategies – a great outsourcing company can do that for them! 

At Support Adventure, for example, we manage the outsourced staff from day one! Taking care of the onboarding, timekeeping, and ongoing mediation is a part of the package. 

We have staff in all time zones so establishing overlapping work hours can aid in real-time collaboration and problem-solving. Your MSP can also have outsourced staff that works nights on their day shift – ensuring rested staff and focused performances.

Furthermore, defining clear KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and regular performance reviews can help maintain high service delivery standards. By setting clear goals and unambiguous expectations both the MSP and the staff benefit!

Streamlining Payment Processes

Reliable Payment Systems: Utilize dependable and transparent payment platforms that cater to international transactions. At Support Adventure, we do that for you.

Effective Timekeeping for Remote Teams

Digital Time Tracking Tools: Implementing digital tools for time tracking helps monitor work hours accurately and efficiently.

Flexible Scheduling: Recognizing time zone differences and, where possible,we offer flexible working hours to accommodate offshore staff.

Ensuring Legal Compliance

Understanding Local Laws: We stay informed about the employment and labor laws in the country where the outsourced team is based.

Contractual Clarity: We ensure all employment contracts are clear and legally sound, outlining terms and conditions that comply with local regulations.

4. Customer Perceptions and Outsourcing: Maintaining Trust and Quality

The decision to utilize outsourced staff in MSP operations could significantly impact customer perceptions – for better or worse. Maintaining trust and ensuring service quality, especially during after-hours support, are critical for sustaining positive client relationships.

Maintaining Customer Trust with Outsourced Teams

Quality Assurance Protocols: Implement stringent quality assurance processes to ensure that the services provided by offshore staff meet or exceed expectations.

Client Feedback Mechanisms: Regularly collect and act upon client feedback to continually improve service delivery.

Ensuring After-Hours Service Quality

Skilled Outsourced Teams: Ensure that the offshore team is well-trained and equipped to handle after-hours queries effectively.

afterhours msp outsourced staff

Seamless Integration: Integrate outsourced staff into the MSP’s standard operating procedures to ensure consistency in service delivery.

Regular Performance Monitoring: Monitor and review the performance of outsourced teams, particularly during after-hours, to ensure adherence to service level agreements (SLAs) and client expectations.

5. Mental Health and Ethical Considerations in MSP Outsourced Staff

While MSP outsourced staffing offers numerous benefits, it’s crucial to address the mental health and ethical considerations MSPs raise. Particularly, there’s a need to ensure fair treatment and avoid exploitation of outsourced staff.

Addressing Mental Health Issues

Supportive Work Environment: Creating a supportive and inclusive work environment for all staff is crucial. Acknowledging and addressing the unique challenges staff members face opens the doors to communication and thus to overall well-being.

Regular Check-Ins: At Support Adventure, we implement regular check-ins to monitor the well-being of our staff, offering a platform for them to voice concerns or challenges.

Ethical Considerations and Fair Treatment

Fair Compensation: We ensure all our workers are compensated fairly according to industry standards and local living costs. Since the job is fully remote, our staff can live the lifestyle they want – where they want!

Oftentimes, the compensation for their work is higher than the average in the country they live in ensuring not only a comfortable but a fulfilled lifestyle.

Reasonable Work Hours: Set reasonable work hours to prevent burnout and ensure a healthy work-life balance for offshore staff.

Ethical Employment Practices: Adhere to ethical employment practices, respecting labor laws and rights in the offshore location.

By addressing these mental health and ethical considerations, MSPs can work with an outsourcing company that ensures a positive and productive working environment for their teams. 

This approach not only benefits the workers but also enhances the overall quality and sustainability of the outsourced arrangement.

6. ROI, Talent Acquisition, and Retention in the MSP Industry

The decision to outsource staff in the MSP industry is often driven by the potential for significant Return on Investment (ROI), as well as its impact on talent acquisition and retention. 

These factors are increasingly relevant in today’s evolving work landscape, characterized by trends such as remote work flexibility, relocations, The Great Resignation, and Quiet Quitting.

Analyzing the ROI of Offshoring

Cost Efficiency: Offshoring can lead to substantial cost savings due to lower labor costs in certain regions, directly impacting the ROI.

Scalability and Flexibility: Offshoring provides MSPs with the flexibility to scale operations up or down as needed, optimizing resource utilization and ROI.

Quality and Expertise: Access to a global talent pool means MSPs can maintain or even improve service quality, which can enhance client satisfaction and long-term profitability.

Talent Acquisition and Retention in the Age of Remote Work

Wider Talent Pool: Outsourcing opens up opportunities to tap into a diverse and skilled global workforce, addressing talent shortages in local markets.

Remote Work Flexibility: The trend towards remote work has made offshoring more acceptable and attractive, as geographical boundaries become less relevant.

Impact on Employee Retention: Outsourced staffing offers great advantages, it’s important to balance it with strategies to retain outsourced talent, acknowledging their role in innovation and client relationships.

Navigating The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting

Employee Engagement: In response to trends like The Great Resignation, MSPs must focus on employee engagement and satisfaction, both in-house and offshore, to reduce turnover.

Valuing Contributions: Recognizing and valuing the contributions of all staff, whether local or offshore, is essential in creating a cohesive and motivated workforce.

By carefully considering these factors, MSPs can maximize the ROI of their offshoring strategies while effectively managing talent acquisition and retention, adapting to the changing dynamics of the global workforce.

7. Decision Fatigue and the Role of Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Decision fatigue, a common challenge in the fast-paced MSP industry, can be significantly reduced by leveraging Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) and Selection Process Outsourcing (SPO). These strategies streamline the recruitment and selection processes, thus easing the cognitive load on MSP managers.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO): Simplifying Talent Acquisition

Delegating Recruitment Tasks: RPO allows MSPs to outsource the entirety or parts of their recruitment process to specialized agencies. This delegation reduces the number of decisions managers must make, from sourcing candidates to initial screenings.

Expertise and Efficiency: RPO firms bring specialized expertise in recruitment, ensuring a more efficient hiring process. Their knowledge of the market and access to talent pools can lead to better hiring decisions with less effort required from MSP management.

Customized Recruitment Strategies: RPO providers can develop customized recruitment strategies that align with the MSP’s specific needs, further reducing decision-making complexity for the MSP.

Selection Process Outsourcing (SPO): Streamlining Candidate Evaluation

Focused Candidate Assessment: SPO involves outsourcing the evaluation and selection phase of recruitment. Specialists in SPO can handle the complex task of assessing candidates’ skills and cultural fit, which is particularly valuable for roles involving technical expertise or leadership.

Data-Driven Decision Making: SPO firms often utilize advanced tools and analytics to evaluate candidates, bringing objectivity and data-driven insights into the selection process. This approach reduces subjective decision-making fatigue.

Consistency in Hiring Standards: Outsourcing the selection process ensures that all candidates are evaluated based on consistent criteria, maintaining high standards in hiring and reducing the cognitive load associated with maintaining these standards internally.

The Advantages of Hybrid Models in MSP Outsourcing

hire msp outsourced staff

Hybrid models, which combine elements of both local and offshore staffing, are increasingly seen as a balanced approach for MSPs. This model leverages the strengths of both in-house and outsourced teams, offering a blend of cost-effectiveness, quality, and flexibility.

Balancing Cost and Quality

Cost Efficiency with Local Expertise: By offshoring certain operations, MSPs can enjoy cost savings while retaining core functions and expertise in-house.

Quality Assurance: Local teams can oversee and ensure the quality of services delivered by offshore staff, maintaining high standards.

Enhanced Flexibility and Scalability

Agility in Operations: Hybrid models offer the flexibility to quickly adapt to changing business needs, scaling up or down as required.

Diverse Skill Sets: Combining local and offshore teams allows MSPs to harness various skills and expertise, catering to varied client needs.

Cultural and Communication Advantages

Bridging Cultural Gaps: Having a local presence can help bridge any cultural or communication gaps that may exist with a purely outsourced team.

Improved Collaboration: Hybrid models foster better collaboration and understanding between local and outsourced teams, enhancing overall productivity.

Risk Management and Business Continuity

Reduced Dependence on a Single Location: By diversifying locations, MSPs can mitigate risks associated with political instability, natural disasters, or other disruptions in one region.

Business Continuity: A hybrid model can ensure continuous operation, as tasks can be shifted between local and offshore teams as needed.

A study from Cisco shows the benefits of the hybrid model.

In conclusion, hybrid models offer a strategic balance for MSPs, combining the cost-effectiveness of offshoring with the quality control and cultural alignment of local staffing. This approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also ensures robust risk management and business continuity.

Conclusion: Best Practices for MSPs Outsourced Staff

In summary, MSP outsourcing presents a landscape rich with opportunities and challenges. Key to success in this arena are strategies that address security, language and cultural barriers, effective management, customer perceptions, mental health and ethical considerations, ROI, and the use of hybrid models and business process automation.

Summarizing Best Practices

Prioritize Security: Implement robust security measures and ensure compliance with international standards.

Bridge Language and Cultural Gaps: Invest in language training and cultural awareness programs.

Streamline Management Processes: Utilize digital tools for efficient management of offshore teams.

Maintain Customer Trust: Keep transparent communication with clients and maintain high service quality.

Address Ethical Concerns: Ensure fair treatment and support the mental health of offshore staff.

Maximize ROI: Leverage offshoring for cost savings while maintaining quality through skilled staffing.

Embrace Hybrid Models: Combine local expertise with offshore efficiency for a balanced approach.

Leverage Automation: Reduce decision fatigue and enhance efficiency through business process automation.

Final Thoughts

Accen Solutions’ case study in the MSP sector demonstrates that those who adopt these best practices effectively navigate the complexities of outsourcing. By remaining adaptable to recent trends, such as remote work and global talent pools, MSPs can position themselves for continued success and growth in a competitive market.

In conclusion, MSPs that effectively implement these strategies can not only enhance their operational efficiency but also sustain high levels of client satisfaction and employee engagement, ultimately driving their business forward in the growingly demanding world of technology services.

If you want a great outsourced staff member or a team, reach out to us

Kristina @ Support Adventure

Hi there! I'm Kristina Antic, the voice behind the articles you've been enjoying on the Support Adventure blog.Welcome to the crossroads of travel, transformative career advice, and all things MSP!Since joining the team in 2020, I've been weaving my experiences from traveling across Europe and Asia into stories that resonate with tech enthusiasts and wanderlust-filled souls alike.From the world of translating and IT customer service to teaching, I’ve worn many hats, all of which I now bring together to help you navigate the exciting remote landscape.Whether you’re looking to kickstart your career in tech, dreaming of digital nomad life, or seeking the best MSP practices and staff, I’m here to share what I’ve learned in a way that feels like we’re just chatting over coffee.See you on the blog!


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