MSP Advice: How to Support your MSP Clients’ Hybrid Workforce

With more and more businesses deciding not to return to the office, or switching to operating completely remote, knowing how to manage hybrid workforces for MSP clients is crucial.How can MSPs achieve this?  By focusing on cyber hygiene altogether with careful attention to the social aspects of providing support.In which ways can an MSP support their clients’ hybrid workspace?Define roles unambiguously and bring awareness to the hybrid work environmentDefine the structure… Continue Reading MSP Advice: How to Support your MSP Clients’ Hybrid Workforce

Opinion: Attracting, identifying, securing, implementing and retaining appropriate talent –the MSP blind spot

Due to the global talent shortage, a star MSP candidate has almost endless options for where they can work. Should you wish to have any chance of securing the best technicians, we’d like to make you aware of some incredibly common mistakes MSPs make when searching for talent. We’re talking about mistakes that send the very people you want most running elsewhere.Job postings: A job posting is often someone’s first introduction to your company… Continue Reading Opinion: Attracting, identifying, securing, implementing and retaining appropriate talent –the MSP blind spot

Avoid mistakes new MSPs make on their first hires

Congratulations! You’ve founded an MSP and you’re ready to sweep the world off of its feet. If you are at a point where you have enough business and the right budget to expand it by bringing on more people to work for you, it’s only smart that you do it the best way possible. To avoid common mistakes new MSPs make on their first hires, follow our advice that we’ve gathered after having worked with… Continue Reading Avoid mistakes new MSPs make on their first hires

How Can a US Company Hire a Remote Employee in Another Country?

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that remote work is possible in almost any job, with some exceptions, of course. So why should US companies not hire international talent located abroad? Both employers and employees can greatly benefit from this, and here’s how: Remote employees working from abroad are neither subject to the US tax system, nor employment or immigration laws. Foreign workers can be hired via legal entities abroad, through employer of record (EOR)… Continue Reading How Can a US Company Hire a Remote Employee in Another Country?

Is your MSP TOO CORPORATE? Why that’s a Huge MSP Hiring Mistake

Wouldn’t it be nice to have insight into tactics that allow MSPs to hire next-level staff before you shake a tech’s hand and welcome them to your team? When managed service providers struggle to attract the best staff, it could be because your MSP has built an image, system and culture that is too corporate.Your MSP’s hiring results may be suffering from blind spots around your image and reputation. The internal culture of your… Continue Reading Is your MSP TOO CORPORATE? Why that’s a Huge MSP Hiring Mistake

How to Recruit The Best MSP Technicians

If you are a managed service provider (MSP) having difficulty hiring and keeping great technicians, we have the solution for you! It’s important to understand that a big part of recruitmen is having the most attractive offer for your potential hires in order to beat the competition.Dear MSP owner, please realize that it’s a candidate’s marketIt’s 2021 and there is a huge global talent shortage, not only in the IT industry, but in… Continue Reading How to Recruit The Best MSP Technicians

How Can You Attract THE BEST Staff for Your MSP?

Are you having trouble finding and keeping the staff that you want for your MSP? If so, you are not alone. Many MSPs have the same issue. At Support Adventure, we’ve run a successful staffing company since 2016, which has allowed us to pinpoint the practices that have the most impact on attracting and hiring the best staff.The type of talent MSPs need is actually very rare. These candidates are some of the brightest… Continue Reading How Can You Attract THE BEST Staff for Your MSP?

Benefits of RPO (Recruiting Process Outsourcing) for MSP

Although RPO and MSP are two terms that often get confused between each other, MSPs can utilize RPOs to find staff members for their businesses. What is RPO? In short, RPO aims to improve the efficiency of the company by accomplishing its hiring activities. In fact, using such a provider for your hiring processes has many great advantages.  MSPs can use RPO to outsource their hiring process including searching for suitable candidates, vetting, interviewing, training,… Continue Reading Benefits of RPO (Recruiting Process Outsourcing) for MSP

The Top 6 Hiring Mistakes MSPs Should Avoid

What are common mistakes MSPS make during the hiring process, and what can they do to avoid them? The top hiring mistakes to avoid as an MSP are:Focusing on credentials and certificationsHoping for the bestNot screening for social skillsNot having a well-defined roleNot testing candidates for real-world scenariosHaving scarcity mentality As with any other company, MSPs also make mistakes when selecting new staff members. In this article, you will… Continue Reading The Top 6 Hiring Mistakes MSPs Should Avoid

Why Looking at Resumes is the Wrong Hiring Approach for MSPs

Simply looking at resumes is a really bad way of deducing who’s the right candidate for that new  opening in your MSP. And disqualifying applicants because they don’t look good enough on paper will make you miss out on a great new hire. Why?Judging who to interview and hire based on resumes does not represent the level of creativity, intelligence and quality of results needed for the unpredictable MSP environment. The resume alone also… Continue Reading Why Looking at Resumes is the Wrong Hiring Approach for MSPs

Top Qualities of Help Desk Technicians

Are you looking for a job as an IT technician or hiring one for your business? Whether you are a candidate ready to start your IT career and a company seeking the best employee, you must know the top qualities of a support technician.The top qualities of a help desk technician include being: A quick and constant learnerCustomer and service-orientedA good communicatorAn analytical thinkerEmpatheticA team playerA problem solver … Continue Reading Top Qualities of Help Desk Technicians

How to know which applicants to hire for your MSP?

How can you gauge whether or not applicants to work with your MSP will flourish or flounder working for you? Unfortunately, many MSPs are clueless when it comes to recruiting the best talent as not all people with IT experience will thrive in the hectic MSP environment. So how can you make sure someone will? If you want to figure out which applicants will excel in your MSP, you must focus not just on their… Continue Reading How to know which applicants to hire for your MSP?

How to Build and Manage a Successful Help Desk for your MSP

Feeling clueless about how to offer premier MSP help desk services to clients? As veterans of the MSP industry, we at Support Adventure are excited to give you insights on how to build and manage a successful help desk. We have worked with dozens of MSPs over the years and know all the dos and don’ts of the help desk framework. We know all the problems and issues you can expect and how to avoid… Continue Reading How to Build and Manage a Successful Help Desk for your MSP

Example Questions for a Level 1 MSP Technical Support Interview

As the initial touchpoint for IT enterprises, the position of a Level 1 Technician holds significant importance. A Level 1 Technician is responsible for possessing a comprehensive understanding of technical knowledge coupled with exceptional communication skills to efficiently address and resolve issues. Therefore, it is critical that the candidate possess the mindset and skillset to confidently address a diverse range of problems and provide expedient, comprehensive, and amicable service.In order to find such a… Continue Reading Example Questions for a Level 1 MSP Technical Support Interview

Our MSP Recruitment Hiring Process

Get the best out of MSP remote recruitment Be careful of who you let in your inner circle. Choosing the right employees and integrating them is a mine-field. Neglect one step and the whole business will be shaken up with the consequences. If done wrongly, the process of finding the right people is lengthy, the hiring pricey and the guarantee of future employees doing great work non-existent.Bypassing the many errors MSP encounters in this… Continue Reading Our MSP Recruitment Hiring Process

Hiring a Level 1 Engineer for your MSP? Don’t Make THIS Mistake!

MSPs often make one major mistake when hiring a level 1 frontline engineer. That is they prioritize a prospective employee’s technical knowledge or experience over their customer service abilities. Frontline engineers are the face of your company as they are the first point of contact for your clients.They’re the difference between receiving positive or negative reviews on Google.So you cannot underestimate this. As an MSP staffing company, we have seen a lot of… Continue Reading Hiring a Level 1 Engineer for your MSP? Don’t Make THIS Mistake!

What to look for when hiring the best service manager for your MSP – advice and checklist!

A manager can make or break the success of an MSP, and hiring one is so essential. Based on their contribution to the business and the workplace a company can either grow or sink in the chaotic environment it found itself in. It is easy to get confused and make mistakes when hiring a manager for your MSP because you are not aware of the skills and personality types that would fit with the management… Continue Reading What to look for when hiring the best service manager for your MSP – advice and checklist!

MSP Recruitment: 4 Secret Weapons We Used to Provide the Best Techs for 40 MSPs!

In the MSP recruitment phase? These 4 strategies for finding the most talented engineers work like no other!As a premium MSP staffing services and recruiting company, Support Adventure receives 50-70 new candidates daily and has provided over 40 MSPs with the best of the bunch.And today, we are sharing our favorite methods with you! 4 MSP recruitment strategies we swear byThe MSP recruitment process can feel competitive and exhausting, as the best… Continue Reading MSP Recruitment: 4 Secret Weapons We Used to Provide the Best Techs for 40 MSPs!

Everything you need to onboard your MSP staff the right way – practical tips and links

If you run an MSP you know that your staff is crucial for your business. The way they operate can either bring success or be a major set-back for your company. You can find yourself repeating the same story over and over again and going over explanation after explanation just to encounter the same fallacies and incidents occurring again and again!If you want to turn-around your whole MSP game, start from the ground-up and… Continue Reading Everything you need to onboard your MSP staff the right way – practical tips and links

Why Interrogation Style Job Interviews are Bad Business for MSPs

If you are having a hard time filling that open position in your MSP, maybe it’s not them. It’s you. You could be sabotaging the growth of your team with an interrogation style of interviewing your candidates.Here at Support Adventure, we match MSPs with the best talent worldwide. The feedback we always receive from candidates who interview with multiple companies is that they preferred the company that seemed less authoritative and uptight.Here are… Continue Reading Why Interrogation Style Job Interviews are Bad Business for MSPs