Support Adventure Blog

Welcome to our Support Adventure Blog, a unique platform brought to you by Support Adventure, the global leader in remote IT support staffing for the MSP industry. Our mission is to bridge the gap between adventure and technology, providing a platform for like-minded individuals to share their experiences, insights, and stories.

Support Adventure is not just a company; it’s a lifestyle. Since 2016, we’ve been helping IT professionals around the world find their ideal remote jobs, enabling them to live and work from some of the most exciting places across the globe. With over 200 staff in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, we have the global reach and expertise to meet your needs.

Our blog is an extension of our commitment to this lifestyle. Here, you’ll find a wealth of information, from tips and advice on living and working remotely, to in-depth articles on the latest trends the MSP industry. We also share stories from our staff, who are living the Support Adventure lifestyle in various corners of the world.


Our Latest Posts

outsourcing vs, in-house staffing for msps
IT Staff Outsourcing

Outsourcing vs. In-House Staffing for MSPs: Making the Right Choice

Choosing between outsourcing and in-house staffing is crucial or MSPs who want to scale safely, save resources, and improve service quality. Comparing the benefits and downsides of both options, covering cost efficiency, scalability, quality control, and team cohesion brings you the necessary insight into the topic. By getting concrete info,

msp outsourcing partner
IT Staff Outsourcing

Selecting the Right Outsourcing Partner for Your MSP

Selecting the right outsourcing partner is crucial for MSP success. MSP owners need to understand their outsourcing needs to evaluate potential partners and manage relationships effectively. What are those essential criteria? Technical expertise, cultural fit, and compliance come to the forefront while exploring strategies to mitigate risks and ensure seamless

msp outsourced staff
MSP Outsourcing

How to Manage and Integrate Outsourced Staff into Your MSP

Effective integration of outsourced staff into MSP operations is crucial for maximizing efficiency and maintaining high service standards. What are the strategies MSPs can adopt to seamlessly integrate MSP outsourced personnel, ensuring they become an invaluable part of the team? Successfully managing outsourced staff in an MSP setting presents unique

outsourcing msp staff
IT Staff Outsourcing

The Benefits and Risks of Outsourcing MSP Staff

Outsourcing MSP staff presents both opportunities and challenges for MSPs. While it offers cost savings, access to specialized skills, and enhanced flexibility, it also poses risks like quality control and communication barriers. This article examines the strategic benefits and solutions to potential pitfalls of outsourcing, providing MSPs with a balanced

msp help desk
MSP Best Practices

Tips for Launching Your Own MSP Help Desk

Launching an MSP Help Desk is a strategic move towards improving client support and operational efficiency. This article provides essential tips, from defining the scope of services and implementing the right technology, to staffing and developing effective processes. Discover how to structure your help desk to provide exceptional service, with insights into training staff, integrating systems, and measuring success to ensure your help desk supports your MSP’s growth and enhances client satisfaction.

Latest Posts Per Category

msp culture hiring
MSP Recruitment & Staffing

The Role of Company Culture in MSP Hiring Success

Company culture is pivotal in determining an MSP’s hiring success. Discover practical strategies for leveraging company culture to enhance your MSP’s competitive edge and achieve long-term success. MSP company culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and practices that define an organization’s environment and how employees interact within it. In

msp scaling
MSP Recruitment & Staffing

Scaling Your MSP with Smart Staffing: Growth-Focused Techniques

Scaling an MSP is an intricate process that demands a blend of strategic foresight and agile management. It involves smart staffing strategies that align seamlessly with business growth objectives, ensuring that as your MSP expands, it maintains service quality, fosters innovation, and meets the evolving needs of your clients. This

msp contract workers
MSP Recruitment & Staffing

Integrating Contract Workers into Your MSP: Benefits and Strategies

Increasing numbers of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are turning to contract workers as a strategic solution to enhance flexibility, fill skill gaps, expand their market reach, and satiate client demands. Exploring the growing trend of integrating contract workers into the model of your MSP staffing company, will present you with

IT career advice, evolution of man or evolution from a newbie in tech to an expert veteran illustrated

One Piece of IT Career Advice You Wish You Had When Starting Out

In this article, we will weave together the shared experiences and advice from IT professionals from various IT careers. We are providing readers with a comprehensive guide to navigating the early stages of their IT careers. Inspired by a Reddit post and written by us at Support Adventure, this guide

remote help desk tier 2 job written on a laptop screen

Excelling at a Remote Help Desk Tier 2 Job

The career of a remote help desk tier 2 technician is not just about addressing IT issues but also about adapting to the changing technological landscape, mastering remote communication and collaboration tools, and contributing proactively to the overall IT health of an organization. This evolution makes it an exciting and

remote it technician job description

Remote IT Technician – Job Description Guide

As IT professionals, you’re at the forefront of technological innovation, and the opportunity to work as a remote IT technician can be a game-changer for your career. In this guide, we, at Support Adventure, the remote MSP staffing company, will delve into why you should consider this path, how to

outsourcing vs, in-house staffing for msps
IT Staff Outsourcing

Outsourcing vs. In-House Staffing for MSPs: Making the Right Choice

Choosing between outsourcing and in-house staffing is crucial or MSPs who want to scale safely, save resources, and improve service quality. Comparing the benefits and downsides of both options, covering cost efficiency, scalability, quality control, and team cohesion brings you the necessary insight into the topic. By getting concrete info,

msp outsourcing partner
IT Staff Outsourcing

Selecting the Right Outsourcing Partner for Your MSP

Selecting the right outsourcing partner is crucial for MSP success. MSP owners need to understand their outsourcing needs to evaluate potential partners and manage relationships effectively. What are those essential criteria? Technical expertise, cultural fit, and compliance come to the forefront while exploring strategies to mitigate risks and ensure seamless

msp outsourced staff
MSP Outsourcing

How to Manage and Integrate Outsourced Staff into Your MSP

Effective integration of outsourced staff into MSP operations is crucial for maximizing efficiency and maintaining high service standards. What are the strategies MSPs can adopt to seamlessly integrate MSP outsourced personnel, ensuring they become an invaluable part of the team? Successfully managing outsourced staff in an MSP setting presents unique

msp staff training
MSP Best Practices

Effective Training Programs for New MSP Staff: Bridging the Skill Gap

For MSP companies, the ability to adapt to new technologies and meet ever-changing client expectations is crucial. At the heart of this adaptability is the competence of the staff, which hinges significantly on the effectiveness of training programs. Effective training programs not only equip MSP staff with necessary technical skills

MSPs client churn
MSP Advice

Identifying and Mitigating Client Churn Risks for MSPs

Client churn poses a significant challenge for MSPs, impacting long-term success. This article provides a deep dive into identifying common causes of churn, such as service quality issues, misalignment of services, and pricing concerns. It discusses early detection through monitoring key indicators and feedback, and emphasizes the importance of client-centric service, improved communication, and tailored solutions. The piece also outlines strategic approaches to strengthen client relationships and reduce churn, ensuring sustainable growth.

Connectwise Alternatives

The Alternatives To ConnectWise Manage

Professional Services Automation (PSA) software plays an instrumental role in managing these crucial tasks and many of you out there are looking for ConnectWise Manage alternatives. ConnectWise Manage is popular among Managed Service Providers (MSPs) for its comprehensive set of features, but there’s a steep entry point for getting it

MSP Advice

Why PagerDuty Will Revolutionize Your MSP’s Help Desk… Especially for After Hours Service!

If your MSP isn’t using PagerDuty, or alternatively, OpsGenie… you are missing out on having smoother operations within your company. As an incident management system for notifications, PagerDuty is a game changer for managed service providers. It helps you stay on top of time sensitive tasks, after hours shifts, escalations

msp staffing
MSP Advice

Differentiating Your MSP in a Crowded Market to Become the Go-To Choice

In a crowded MSP market, standing out is crucial for success. This article explores effective strategies for differentiation, including developing a unique value proposition, leveraging technology, providing exceptional customer service, focusing on niche markets, and employing savvy branding and marketing tactics. Discover how strategic partnerships, innovative pricing, skilled staffing, and emphasizing security and trust can position your MSP as the go-to choice for clients.

SEO for MSPs graphic
MSP Advice

SEO for Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, SEO remains a cornerstone for MSOs aiming to enhance their online visibility. Understanding and implementing the latest SEO trends is crucial to stay ahead of the competition and attract potential clients. This article delves into the significance of SEO for MSPs and highlights the

MSP Advice

MSP’s Guide to Best Marketing Strategies and Tips

Don’t let the title fool you. This article will not provide you with a quick-fix solution that will generate leads for your MSP overnight. Instead, you will better understand how niche marketing for MSPs works, and how you can make it profitable for your company and clients.  This guide was

IT Staff Outsourcing

Remote Staffing in IT Support

The concept of remote staffing in IT support is not a new phenomenon. It has its roots in the early days of the IT industry when companies began to realize the potential of leveraging technology to provide support services from afar. This marked the beginning of a transformative journey that

Remote MSP Staffing: The Hybrid Helpdesk
IT Staff Outsourcing

Remote MSP Staffing: The Advantages of a Hybrid Helpdesk

The Hybrid Revolution: An Overview of Today’s MSP Landscape Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have become integral in the IT industry. They offer businesses a cost-effective way to manage their IT infrastructure, providing a variety of services including data storage, network management, cybersecurity, and IT support. But how has the growth

MSP Advice

The Ultimate Guide to Improving Ticketing System Note Writing for MSPs! 

Running an MSP without a ticket system note-taking strategy is a bad idea, and leads to problems for your customer, as well as your technicians.  Here at Support Adventure, we provide remote staff for MSPs and heavily rely on ticket notes. Most of our technicians work remotely, and the MSP

MSP Advice

Write Better Ticket Notes and Save Your MSP!

Thinking of scaling your MSP? Want to increase your revenue all while creating higher customer satisfaction? All of this is not possible without having great ticket notes. They are the backbone of any well organized MSP and help create stability and success. Here’s why: Detailed ticket notes create a system

countries where south african rand is strong
Budget Travel

Top 10 Countries Where South African Rand is Strong

Whether you’re a digital nomad, a tech professional, or simply a wanderlust-driven individual, the value of the South African Rand (ZAR) against other currencies can open doors to incredible opportunities and adventures. For remote workers, understanding currency strength isn’t just about finding a holiday destination; it’s about identifying places where

reddit remote working hacks
Digital Nomads

Reddit Remote Working Advice & Hacks 

From ergonomic setups to maintaining work-life balance, the comments in the Reddit post provide dealing with remote work some real-life insights and practical advice. This comprehensive guide compiles their shared wisdom, covering everything from workspace essentials to creative solutions for common remote work challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker

sunny cheap winter destinations y the sea
Budget Travel

5 Cheap Sunny Winter Destinations by the Sea 

Winter doesn’t always have to be about snowflakes and cold weather. For those looking to swap their winter coats for swimsuits and enjoy the sun’s warm embrace, there are plenty of destinations where this dream can become a reality – without breaking the bank. Imagine living by the sea, where

digital nomad visas new 2024
Digital Nomad Visa

Digital Nomad Visas 2024: Top Destinations and New Opportunities

As we step into a new year, the opportunities for digital nomads continue to evolve with more countries embracing this growing trend.  This guide will explore the latest and most popular digital nomad visas, providing essential information to help you choose your next remote work destination. Whether you’re a seasoned

easy visa for south african citizens. an image of a couple relocating to a new country and happy to start a life there.
Budget Travel

Easy Digital Nomad Visas for South African Citizens

There are several affordable countries that offer relatively easy or flexible visa options for South African  digital nomads: Please note that visa requirements and processes can change, it’s always good to double-check with the country’s embassy for the most recent information and requirements. Please note that visa-free travel may be

MSP Advice

Best MSP Communication Policy Guide: Create a Clear and Easy-to-Follow System!

When you’re the owner of an MSP, you might have an inbox that’s full of all sorts of random messages from your clients and staff every day. On one hand, your phone is ringing constantly, and on the other, your chat notifications are firing off.  It can be absolute chaos!

MSP Advice

How to Improve Customer Service as an MSP

Customer support is the basis of good business! You can have an amazing product or service and the best technicians that are swiftly getting tickets off the table and still, there will be no guarantee that your clients will be happy nor that you will attract and keep the top-tier

Support Adventure

Support Adventure Reviews: Why people like working for Support Adventure

Are you thinking about joining Support Adventure as a client or a new employee, but are unsure if we would be the right fit for each other? Whichever category you fall under, you’ll find something valuable in this article. As a fully remote-operated MSP outsourcing company run by expats, our

Support Adventure

Support Adventure Location: Where are we located?

When looking into a company you’re interested in working with, you’ll most likely end up on their website’s ‘About’ page. Information you find there can be related to their goals, values, company history and of course, it’s location. But whenever someone asks us, “Where is Support Adventure located?,” our answer

Support Adventure

Support Adventure Reviews

Are you thinking about joining Support Adventure as a client or a new employee but are unsure if we would be the right fit for each other? You’ll find something valuable in this article in whichever category you fall under. As a fully remote-operated outsourcing company run by expats, our


History of Support Adventure and its founder Eric Muth

Support Adventure – the expat-run MSP Staffing Company was founded on a strong company culture valuing global cooperation, consistent structure, and prioritizing a work and travel lifestyle. To better understand our values and growth, we must share with you the journey of our founder Eric Muth, from prodigal high school
